Working to elevate the voice of remote Indigenous parents: a powerful determinant of health and wellbeing
Over the past twelve months we have been working with Tracks Integrated Services, a primarily Indigenous owned and led small business based in the Northern Territory to support the work and growth of NT based charity RIPA – Remote Indigenous Parents Australia.
We have been working to support the complex change, and deep engagement in the space of not quite knowing the “what” of the work ahead. This is our sweet spot at Health Futures – ‘sensemaking what is possible through human-centred design. We practice deep dialogues, listening, observing, storytelling, and sensemaking – together. We started with stakeholder workshops to build engagement and relationships, and have now progressed to deep dialogues, sensemaking and designing together the future for RIPA and it’s elevation of grassroot Indigenous parental voices in the education system.
This is some of the most extraordinary, rewarding and powerful work we do. We learn from each other, our relationship strengthens every time we are together. Relationships being the key word, practice and goal, how we build them, grow them and experience them as one of the most powerful parts of creating respectful and engaging dialogue, and how we elevate the voice of Indigenous parents in the system.